
Was geschah, nachdem Nora ihren Mann verlassen hatte oder Stützen der Gesellschaften von Elfriede Jelinek

december 2021 | 40’

Emilie Neumeister
Hermia Gerdes
Lennart Thomas

directed by João Pedro Prado

premiere on 10 December 2021

a production of the
Filmuniversität Babelsbeg KONRAD WOLF

The play picks up from where Ibsen’s A DOLL HOUSE left off, imagining a sequel in which Nora, self-liberated from her upper-class household and miserable marriage to Helmer, decides to finally “become human” by looking for a factory job. However, the heroine’s dreams of liberating herself and all women are quickly smashed one by one as she is met by the unavoidable structures of exploitation under capitalism.

This new staging has been conceived within a workshop conducted by the study programmes of MA Directing and BA Acting at the university. The mentors were Prof. Andreas Kleinert and Prof. Florian Hertweck.

The premiere was filmed by Carolin Hauke and the promotional photos are by Sofia Lobianco.